Absorption Trenches and Septic Tanks

If your home is not connected to the sewer, you may need to have an On-site Sewage Management System.

Septic tanks and trench style absorption systems are the most common type of domestic wastewater treatment systems in Australia.

There are special regulations that apply to these On-site Wastewater Management Systems and as the owner of the property, it is your responsibility to ensure that the system is approved by your local council and is working efficiently and safely.

What is an Aborption Trench?

Septic absorption trenches, also known as leach fields or drain fields, are crucial components of septic systems used to treat household wastewater in areas where centralized sewer systems are not available. These trenches consist of perforated pipes laid in gravel-filled trenches, allowing effluent from the septic tank to leach into the surrounding soil for further treatment and disposal. As wastewater seeps into the soil, natural processes break down harmful bacteria and nutrients, purifying the water before it re-enters the groundwater. Properly designed and maintained septic absorption trenches are essential for the efficient and environmentally responsible treatment of household sewage, helping to protect public health and prevent contamination of water sources. Regular inspection and maintenance are necessary to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of septic absorption trenches, safeguarding both property owners and the surrounding environment.